Fountain Square Alliance

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Fountain Square Alliance is the neighborhood community group for the southeast part of Fountain Square, formerly known as Fountain Square South. We are primarily a residential area with some light industry. Fountain Square Alliance residents are working together to create a safe neighborhood that people want to call home. All neighbors and business owners within our boundaries are welcome to join us. We need your help! 

Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month from 6-7pm. Community Partners such as the Mayor's Office, our local representatives, IMPD, Southeast Community Services, and Marion County Health Department frequently attend to hear from our neighbors on how they can help. 

Our Boundaries

N: Pleasant Run Parkway South Drive

E: Churchman Ave/Keystone Ave

S: Raymond St.

W: I-65

Please fix our bridge!

Over two years ago the east wall of the State Ave bridge was damaged. The concrete blocks on the sidewalk are a temporary safety measure.